COMMIITTED training & partner meeting at MVSO
Between 31 May and 2 June, a transnational training event and a partner steering committee meeting under the COMMITTED (COMpliance of acadeMIc acTiviTies with forEign traDe) project took place at MVSO. This international project focuses on the implementation of new EU regulations in the field of dual-use goods and research findings in this area. MVSO hosted partners from Hungary and the Netherlands and in a hybrid form also Germany and Finland at the meeting. The current project results, i.e. the preparation of the university compliance manual, were discussed. The manual includes information on how to proceed in the event of deemed export. Furthermore, the upcoming project tasks and the process of their implementation were also discussed.
The course of the training was very effective and productive, the participants also had the opportunity to see the MVSO campus and the city of Olomouc. The next project meeting will take place in September in Kouvola, Finland.